Moldovan-American JV “MolDan” is a company with 27 years of experience in the medical market of the Republic of Moldova.

Our company offers a Know-How solution for the medical market in the Republic of Moldova, by offering to the public and private medical facilities, the “turnkey solution” MRI Centers with the new and refurbished MRI systems, installed in the modern modular buildings.

The company offers free of charge repairs and maintenance of all our MRI Centers.

These modular buildings can be installed as provisional constructions, near the medical facilities or with the connection to existing medical facilities.

We have a team of experienced engineers, who practice the installation of MRI and CT systems.

The first public MRI Center with the MRI System Siemens Magnetom Trio 3 Tesla, had been opened on September 29, 2019, at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “Diomid Gherman” in Chisinau.

At the beginning of 2020, we are planning to start the next project of MRI Center at the Clinical Hospital of Balti City, R. Moldova.

We have a Program to build and rent out, in the next 5 years, another nine MRI centers, similar to the MRI Center at INN.

JV “MolDan” LLC and JV “MolDan Service” are two companies supported by the Moldovan-American Civil Society “MolDan Holding”.